Follow these missionary kids on their journey from the USA to Northern Uganda... first impressions, "did you knows," and other perspectives on missions and culture from the children's perspective.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
My friends who were staying with us love being able to ask for food any time they like! They are always telling Mommy, "amito labolo" (I want a banana). We've been going through a lot of bananas!! This bunch lasted us less than a day!
Mommy and I went to a "stationary store" to buy some wrapping paper. It comes in sheets that are precut. Each sheet cost 500 shillings (they were 300 shillings last week - Christmas does things like that to prices around here!). That's about 20 cents.
It rained really hard this evening so the termite hills got flooded, driving the flying termites out... into our house. Our friends like to catch them and eat them fried... I'm not sure about that yet!
This is Daddy buying chapati from a man on the corner. Chapati are large flat soft sweet breads - we used them to wrap local sausages in last night and this morning Mommy made chapati chips with them with sugar! YUM!
This is a jerry can. We have a bunch of them that we filled with water for when we run out of water in the faucets. Our friends use them to fetch water from the borehole pump. Daddy also has one full of fuel for our van so that we will still have fuel even if there's a shortage of fuel.
Passionate about God's glory; wife to a pastor committed to local church; mother to 6 spunky children, including some with unique needs; doctor focused on children with multiple disabilities and epilepsy.